
The mission of Aalto University is to conduct high-quality research and provide pioneering education in our chosen fields of science, technology and art. Furthermore, the University’s function is to create new knowledge and capabilities for the benefit of the Finnish society as well as the entire humankind.

The focus of the School of Electrical Engineering lies in basic research in natural sciences and engineering and the use of the results obtained in the development of applications, services and innovations.

The strong ties of our research activities with Finnish and international industry are a key asset for our School. Our areas of expertise form the core of the Finnish (export) industry, where the need for highly educated and capable staff is constantly increasing.

“Where Science and Technology meet Society.”

An ideal University is a place where new ideas are generated. It produces new understanding of how nature works and how we can use the latest technology to create well-being and better quality of life both in Finland and internationally.

The way we operate

Our areas of expertise can be roughly divided into three sectors: electrical engineering and automation, information and communication technologies, and physics applications. Each of our five departments and two units as well as our study programmes operate in one or more of these sectors.

We possess an excellent knowledge base for theoretical research as well as for developing methodologies and applications.  Our expertise is also particularly well-suited to provide integrated and systems-level solutions.

Effective leadership, internationalization, well-functioning and efficient services and highquality, unique infrastructure that is regularly renewed are essential elements in our future development.

Our aim is to efficiently network both within the School, with the academic community and with the society at large.  By implementing multidisciplinary, sufficiently large and ambitious yet still focused research programmes, we can create quite radical and novel technologies and innovations that have the potential to change the way the world operates in a significant way. More information on research

Education reform

Teaching and learning are our core activities. The teaching evaluation provides a good background for reforms. A key target is that both students and teachers fully commit to the tasks of learning and teaching. More information on teaching and studies

Focus on people: career systems

The new career tracks at Aalto University allow each staff member to excel and thereby offer his/her unique contribution to the operations of our world-class university. The flagship tenure track professor system has been set up following international models. The unique benefit of the tenure track is that it opens up professor positions also for younger researchers. More information on tenure track

Research focus areas

Our research focuses on key technologies and research problems arising from the great challenges facing our society. The technologies selected as our priority areas are ICT as well as micro- and nanotechnology. Of the great themes of our society, the key ones for our school are energy and environment as well as health and wellbeing. More information on each focus area

More information

Page content by: viestinta-elec [at] aalto [dot] fi (Aalto-yliopiston viestintä) | Last updated: 30.03.2017.